This is an example of my game that I am doing for my course.

There are 3 different floors. 

The first floor focuses on paintings and display to get the message to the people. Sorry these are not all in there yet but there is example text in each box.

The second floor is the video floor. These will be videos that are played when entering a trigger point. 

The third floor is more interactive with the left button of the mouse. If you walk close enough to a display on the third floor a text box will appear pressing the left mouse button on this item will bring more information about this item. The crosshair will change color as you hover over the objects that are interactable.

Please bear in mind that this is still in the development phase. Not a lot of the information is in there yet. I would like some feedback on what you think of the mechanics and how the player interacts with them 

Thank you.

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